The Power of the Breath: Unleashing the Health Secrets of Nasal Breathing

Are you aware of life’s most indispensable aspect? The quintessence that surpasses all else worldly is the life-force all of us possess. True, the allure of a billion dollars is compelling, but would you trade your tomorrow for it? Not a single person would, because the exquisiteness of life outshines everything else. What fuels this life, you may ask? Our breath. Our very existence hangs onto it. Unearthing the secret of optimal living lies in mastering our life’s rhythm, our breath.

Breathe – a simple yet profound action that we perform, on average, about 20,000 times a day. Breathing drives the very essence of our survival and wellbeing. It is such an automatic and inherent part of our lives that we barely give it any conscious thought. Yet the method and quality of our breathing can transform both our physical health and mental wellbeing in ways more significant than we might imagine.

The current generation, sadly, has indulged in lifestyle habits that have compromised the most fundamental part of life – proper breathing. It is here, Alphas, we begin our journey to regain the knowledge lost and learn anew how to breathe correctly. A journey towards a healthier, wealthier, and more fulfilling life.

Researchers widely recognize and endorse the correct way of breathing – through the nose. Nasal breathing, the act of breathing in and out through the nose, is the cornerstone of optimal health. Behind such simple looking process, complex and miraculous biological mechanisms are at play, strengthening our bodies, enhancing our mental acuity, and safeguarding our wellbeing.

There’s an ocean of scientific studies conducted by distinguished scientists that furnish compelling evidence of the benefits of nasal breathing. A pathbreaking study led by Dr. Artour Rakhimov shed light on how nasal breathing boosts the oxygen capacity in our bodies, elevates carbon dioxide levels optimizing blood flow, and helps maintain overall body humidity – functionalities far superior to mouth-breathing.

Moreover, it is not just about the physical benefits. Nasal breathing also holds the key to better mental health. A growing body of research ties correct breathing methods with reduced stress, improved focus, and better sleep. According to Dr. Nasim Gorji’s research published in Sleep and Breathing Journal, nasal breathing aids in significantly enhancing the quality of sleep and mitigating the risks associated with severe conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea.

In addition to these, a study from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) underlines the potential hazards associated with habitual mouth breathing. Dr. Yosh Jefferson, who led the research, maintains that habitual mouth breathing can spawn facial and dental abnormalities and have drastic health implications in the long run.

So, how do we translate this knowledge into action? How can the Alphas reclaim the art of proper nasal breathing? The road to reforming our breathing habits lies in mindfulness and practice. Two effective exercises – ‘Diaphragmatic Breathing’ and ‘Coherent Breathing’ come to our aid in this regard.

Diaphragmatic Breathing advocates the use of the diaphragm to draw air into our lungs. This form of breathing elicits a relaxation response, reduces stress hormones, and contributes towards enhanced wellbeing. Coherent Breathing involves maintaining a steady rhythm of breath, breathing in and out at a rate of five breaths per minute. This act of breathing fosters autonomic nervous system equilibrium, paving the way for robust heart health and mental calm.

In conclusion, Alphas, I urge you to invest time in understanding the immense value of nasal breathing. Enrich your life by drawing strength from this primitive yet powerful act. Rescue your priceless gift of life from the clutter of modern existence through the power of mindful nasal breathing. Become masters of this art form, share the knowledge, and contribute towards engineering a generation that places health, prosperity, and longevity at its core.

Check out the educational videos attached below to acquire a comprehensive understanding of nasal breathing and the practices associated with it. Remember, as an Alpha, you not only possess the power to change your life but also shape the world around you. Take a deep nasal breath and commit to this transformation.


1. Rakhimov, A. (2014). Normal breathing: The Key to Vital Health. ‘Biomed Publishing Group.

2. Jefferson, Y. (2010). Mouth breathing: Adverse effects on facial growth, health, academics, and behavior. ‘General Dentistry Journal.

3. Gorji, M.A.H., and Khaleghi, S. (2018). Nasal Breathing Exercise and its Effect on Symptoms of Sleep Apnea. ‘Sleep and Breathing Journal.

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